Shipping soon: v2.2

Hi guys,

So we are not too far away from publishing a new release, which is, considering the past (averaging 1 release every 3 years), quite an accomplishment. The next release brings several new features and bug fixes, including a built-in authentication system (finally) and SMTP support. Along with that, lots of internal refactoring (think PDO, new module structure, and an upgraded mailer library).

This will be a big step forward I hope, but as you might imagine, adding an authentication system is not an easy fix. Currently I am looking for people who have some time and are willing to help me test the new release. It is still in development and I will be adding more stuff to it the next couple of days, but the user authentication part is finished and so is the refactoring I was talking about.

If you have some spare time, please give it a try and report any issues you may encounter. You can download the “develop” branch from gitub here (or just clone it), extract it and run the install file. If you are replacing your old version, also run the install.php because it needs to perform some MySQL maintenance.
You can leave feedback on GitHub (preferred) or send me an email if you don’t have an account (pep at neanderthal-technology com).
Please note if you run the install script from the development branch, your database will be altered so a backup is always recommended.


P.S. did you know that now there is even a Bulgarian translation available? 🙂

6 thoughts on “Shipping soon: v2.2

  1. Jerome

    Hi Pepijn.

    Glad to see this project is still alive.
    I forked it and my first changes are the french translation which is not very good. I will push them soon.
    I will be happy to help you in the future developments of your project like:
    – Recording the response time for last month/week/day/hour with graphics.
    – Some localisations are not available (yes/no in the server table, times in the status tab…)
    – Compatibility with mobiles could be better.

    Jerome (Abawell on github)

    1. Pep Post author

      Hi Jerome,

      Thanks for getting in touch. Any contribution is welcome! Just make sure you are on the develop branch to avoid any merge problems 🙂
      Regarding the response times, we have just added an uptime table to keep track of the different variables so that we are getting some statistics. There is no plan yet on how to visualise these and make them available in the front end, so if that is something you would be willing to work on, that would be great.
      The localisation of some of the hard-coded values came up recently actually and someone else is working on that already (

      Please consider opening new issues at github for the things you are working on, so that others can see what development is going on, and I can keep it in mind for planning upcoming releases.
      If you have any questions regarding the code feel free to send me an email.


  2. Kestrel X

    Are you planing on making it so that the users in the “built-in authentication system” have access to different pages?
    I would love to be able to see only the status page without logging in. Then after logging in i can make all the changes i want. That would be PERFECT!

    Thanks for an awesome product!

    1. Pep Post author

      Hi Kestrel,

      There are currently 2 user levels implemented: administrator and regular user. The administrator will have full access, and the regular users can only view the servers that have been assigned to them, including the status page. At the moment there is no anonymous access to the status page, though. Might be interesting to make that an option in the config.. but I don’t think it will be in the 2.2 release.


  3. Wali Ahmed

    Hi ! I love your project i glad to see this project is still alive i want donate for further version of this script do you have any paypal address ?


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